Frequently Asked Questions
When can I expect to receive my order?
The average delivery time is 14 to 30 business days . Our products are shipped directly from the supplier . Thanks to this unique business model, we achieve significant savings on storage and transportation costs, which allows us to offer our products at a lower price than our competitors and offer free shipping .
The expected delivery time has passed, where is my order?
In most cases, orders are delivered within the estimated time frame. However, sometimes a delay occurs during the delivery process. You can check the status of your order via the following link: - If your order has not arrived 3 days after the expected delivery date , please contact us.
Some products are missing from my delivery, how is this possible?
We work with different suppliers , which means that items may be shipped separately. If products are missing upon delivery, you will usually receive them within 2-3 days . We apologize for this inconvenience.
What are the shipping costs?
We take care of the shipping costs ! So all your orders are delivered for free !
Can I cancel an order?
Yes, of course! However, our orders are sent directly to our suppliers , which means that shipping may already be in progress. If the order has already been shipped, unfortunately we will no longer be able to cancel it .
I am not satisfied with my order, can I return it?
Yes, it is possible! Check our refund policy for more information.